The product design (or industrial design) is an activity whose aim is to create an object in phase with the multiple ergonomic, industrial, cultural, functional and economic constraints imposed by the reality of the market, the company's target and the product's environment. Designing everyday objects and furniture, optimizing the function of industrial products, giving them identity and meaning, refining aesthetics, adapting products to future users and improving their life cycle are just a few examples of our missions in this field.
In 5 years, companies that use design create
sales +20% higher than the previous year
average - Design Concil
The industrial design - product has always been at the forefront of innovation. It's not just about the design and aesthetics of an object, it's also a vector of services, accelerating communication and revealing new trends. Design is an effective way of offering the market products with high emotional content and value in use. It takes into account a number of essential factors, the origins of which are unfortunately ignored, linked to ethics, use value, the true quality of the product and emotion.
The industrial design - product is in fact a strategic approach to innovation, aimed at achieving business success. In particular, it improves quality of life by offering innovative products, systems, services and experiences. The product design links innovation, technology and research with the needs of businesses and customers to bring added value and competitive advantage in the economic, social and environmental fields.
60% of SMEs believe that the return on investment
of design is less than 2 years - Entreprise et Design
Industrial designers put people at the heart of the process. They are aware of the economic, social, ethical and environmental impact of their work, and of their contribution to creating a better world. The product designer creates a product or object adapted to the stakeholders involved. At the heart of the manufacturing process, he or she has in-depth knowledge of markets and users to improve cost, service and manufacturing methods, facilitate product range and usage variations, and give the product a unique identity.
In a nutshell industrial design - product simply means creating a coherent, humane object to optimize its success with the target audience. It adapts to all forms of design, representing a company's identity and values through the product.